It was such a fun time to see Maria Hechanova in person, and we were honored to have her do our interview. has not been the same since.
Here is what happened:
It was fun to have such an adventure on Sunday morning. We went early to the place in Scottsdale where Maria set up for us to do a live on the spot interview. We asked a few people close to us to be models for the shot, and they graciously showed up with their smiles ready.
If this happens for your business, you may not have much time to get ready, but that is a good thing. It is better if the interview is live because you have to keep it moving forward. It was also good for me to not have too much time to “over-think” it.
We had chosen to work with Nick and The Nick Lowery Youth Foundation as a result of conversations we had in passing. I have worked with Nick before on some previous projects of his, and when he saw the masks he knew they would be perfect for the next event. The foundation was providing Covid-19 testing for veterans in the west valley. We later agreed to do a charity donation for each mask sold on the website. That way we could help fund the next free testing event for the foundation, and now we can help out with more to come.
Nick and his people arranged for the interview with Maria and Good Morning Arizona. We didn’t know when the interview would actually take place. We found out during the evening of the 4th that the next morning would be best if we could get it together. We had to get people lined up and fast, so we made our calls and put out texts on the evening after the 4th of July Fireworks. Luckily we had no problem finding people who were able to do it. Special thanks to the models for sacrificing to be there on such short notice.
Maria and her cameram壯陽藥
an showed up and set the stage immediately. We were sound-tested and ready to roll in a little over fifteen minutes. They are total pros and were amazing. When she put on her SeeMySmileMask, we were taken aback at how her brilliant smile came right through. It was like her personality was made to be shown, and the mask was the perfect compliment. We even had one that matched her outfit. Maria’s ability to grab details and grasp concepts and then translate them to the screen is amazing. I am blown away looking at the spot now after the fact.
We weren’t sure how many people would be on for the Sunday episode of Good Morning Arizona this week, because it was a holiday weekend, and a lot of people leave Phoenix because of the heat. We couldn’t have been more wrong. By the end of the live spot, our server had crashed because it was so overloaded. We had to increase the server size four times larger just to get it back online. I know – great problem to have! The response was immediate and overwhelmingly positive.
As a result of our spot with Maria we have had increased sales and are setting up communications as fast as we can. Thank you to everyone at Good Morning Arizona, especially Maria. Also, special thanks to Nick. You kicked this one right through the uprights. Thank you to Erin, Isaiah, Hannah, and DJ. You brought life to the screen. Especially thank you to all of the people who are joining our family and purchasing the masks to change the world around you. We need to make this world a better place, and you are the key to that. A smile will go for miles and miles.
Mickey and Ruthie Smith
You can find your mask here:
Ph. (480) 881-7319
Much thanks
Thank you,
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